Top Water Damage Prevention Tips

Water damage usually starts slowly, and hence most people try to brush the signs of damage under the carpet. But when these damages are ignored, they become tougher to manage over the long run.

They become heavy, costly repairs and cause significant damage to your property and belongings.

Water damage prevention tips

Contrary to popular thought, water damage doesn’t occur due to heavy rains, floods, and hurricanes. Mostly the damage can be due to drain blockages, leaky pipelines, low-graded soil, and faulty appliances. Hence, you can avoid all the cracks in the first place by taking timely action.

Keep the gutters clean

The downspouts and gutters keep the water from your house’s foundations. Since these are fixed outside the home, it’s far easier to spot leakages and ensure timely fixes.

As long as they are regularly maintained, you won’t have any problems. But left unchecked for a long time, you could have a lot of debris, branches that block the pipes, and clogging. Then, instead of going away from your home’s foundation, water could flow towards it.

As the water stands around the home, it slowly seeps in, causing damage to the foundation. So, ensure you clear out the gutters and downspout them two to three times every year.

Call professional plumbers and contractors for help.

Waterproof your bathroom fixtures

Water damage is quite common in the bathroom—part of the problem is improperly installed or leaking fixtures. Hence it would help if you waterproofed your tiles, toilets, and tubs to keep them safe from water damage and probable flooding.

Simply caulking and using sealant can help save you thousands of dollars of repair work.

Fix your foundation

Water damage can badly affect the basement and foundations of your property. Since it is a hassle, many homeowners need help getting to the core of the issue.

But if you spend time and effort to fix the problem at the roots, you won’t have to worry about basement flooding, moisture, and water damage from getting to your house.

Call professional contractors or use the concrete sealant and waterproofing cement to fix any cracks, gaps, and water damage marks in your foundation.

If you have water damage on your roof, like moist spots, mold, cracks, and flaking paint, make sure to fix it in time. Damaged roofs can bring about extensive damage to the property.

They can collapse under heavy rain or water damage from other sources. So, save yourself from the costly repair work, and if your ceiling is old and damaged, invest a little to have it fixed.

Install water detection devices

Most minor leaks appear discreetly and remain undetected until they become problematic. Make it a regular practice to inspect your appliances, walls, ceiling, basement, and other parts around the house for leaks.

Most of these devices come with an automatic shut-off feature to shut off the supply in case of a leak. You can keep tabs on the situation on your smartphone or other devices while away from home.

Look out for mold

Mold is a sure sign of water damage to your property. Mold usually appears on the house’s ceiling, walls, and other furniture. It may appear as a white cotton-like growth or as black spots around the house.

It also gives off an odd musty odor. Since mold spreads quickly, early detection is the key to ensuring your home is safe from water damage. Call the experts for help and have all the leaky spots and moisture removed and fixed from your home.

In light of these facts, water damage can be hazardous for your home even in the slightest, most discreet form. Even a tiny leak or moist spot can weaken your home’s foundations. Hence you need timely detection and repair works to keep it safe from more extensive damage in the future.

If you ever notice any water damage marks in the home, call our team for help. Our team have over ten years of experience dealing with water damage. Our experts are trusted by clients all over Beaver County, PA.